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Introduction, Application and Goals

This policy derives from recommendations approved by Senate in 1978, 1991, 1996, 1999, 2000, and 2006, and is in alignment with the conditions for appointment for faculty, sessional, and part-time faculty members. The policy also applies to teaching assistants when they take on substantial responsibility for student learning experience in a course. It applies to all undergraduate, graduate and continuing studies courses offered at UBC.

Student evaluation of teaching has four major goals:

  1. To provide data that will be used to continuously improve the student’s learning experience.
  2. To provide students, departments, faculties and the University with a source of data about the overall quality of teaching.
  3. To provide teachers with information on their teaching performance and to assist with the further development of their teaching.
  4. To provide the University with data on the quality of teaching to be used for operational purposes, including but not limited to assessment of faculty for merit and/or performance adjustment salary awards, promotion, tenure and institutional recognition.

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The University of British Columbia
Student Evaluations of Teaching

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