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The University of British Columbia values the quality of the teaching we offer to UBC students. We encourage faculty to understand what is effective teaching, to use those approaches which work, to develop new approaches to teaching, to use innovative teaching and learning methodologies, and to implement leading-edge technologies in the classroom where appropriate.

Student evaluations of teaching help us to identify and to support effective teaching and provide the University community with information about student perceptions of the quality of instruction at UBC.

In May 2007, the UBC Senate passed a policy on Student Evaluation of Teaching. The Policy requires every course section or learning experience be evaluated by students each time it is offered (with some exceptions, as defined by the policy). For most courses, UBC has implemented a modular approach, where individual faculty members, Departments, Faculties and the University can contribute evaluation questions.

Summary results of Student Evaluations of Teaching are available on this site. With the permission of individual faculty members, results for the University Module Items (UMIs) are made available as well.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia
Student Evaluations of Teaching

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